The Benefits of Using a Steamer For Your Clothing

Sankar Shubham

Handheld garment steamers have become an all-time favorite with people who like to take their clothes off after a long day. They are extremely easy to use, as well as a very quick way to get that perfect shine back on those faded, creased or stained clothes. However, if you have a smaller, more delicate skin, you may want to avoid using a handheld steamer. It is better to go with a hand-held steamer for these types of delicate skin areas. Let's look at the top three reasons why.

The first reason that I can think of is because of the heat generated. These handheld steamers generate a considerable amount of heat, much more than you would normally get from a handheld steamer of similar type. This heat can actually remove fine wrinkles and mildew. In fact, some people feel that the extra heat generated by the Conair turbo extreme will even help eliminate wrinkles!

The second reason that I can think of is because this particular hand held steamer has a built in, ball bearing steam head. If you have ever used a hand held steamer before, you will know how much steam comes out of the nozzle. With the conair steamers, not only does the steam come out, but it also stays in the bag. You don't have to open up the steamer and throw all of that steam away; it stays in the bag and gives you maximum results, every time. This means that you can do other things while your garment steamer works to eliminate wrinkles.

The third reason why I personally love this steamer is because it is extremely versatile. These mini steamers work great for both heavy fabrics and light fabrics. Whether you are steaming a silk shirt or draping a denim skirt, you will be able to get great results with the conair mini steamer. While some full size models can only get the job done to a certain extent, these mini versions can get the job done to the fullest extent.

Another great feature that these mini hand held fabric steamers have is that they come with an automatic shut off timer. This is very handy if you want to give your steaming session a few minutes off to cool down your outfit so that you can wear it again in a couple of hours without worrying about wrinkling or creasing anything. This is probably my favorite feature of the mini steamer.

Finally, one feature that the full size models of these garment steamers have that the smaller handheld ones don't have is that the mini has an inflatable tank. This means that the steamer is much more versatile than you may think. You can use it at home or when you take your vehicle somewhere because the tank can be deflated and carried by itself. This can really give you a lot of flexibility when you need to steam your garment.

There are several other reasons why I love this mini handheld steamer. The first one is that it is extremely easy to use as opposed to an ironing board or an ironing vest. I can't imagine ever taking an ironing course at my daughter's junior high school because she already has enough lessons to last her for a lifetime! As far as using a garment steamer when you take your vehicle to an outdoor event, well that is about as good as taking your car out to the park for a picnic with your family.

When you look at garment steamers and handbags, you also need to keep in mind the tank capacity. There are many mini fabric steamers on the market today that have very limited tank capacity. Some even have a capacity that is not greater than eight garments. If you have a larger family then you definitely want to make sure that your tank capacity is large enough to steam all of your family's clothes. Other important factors to consider are the extra features like cord length, cord location and more, so do some research before you purchase.