PlayingVR Games With a Rift V Vive - Using both Controllers and Vr Headsets Together

Sixten Ansgar

The Rift, like the other competing headsets from both the Facebook and PlayStation giants, is without a doubt the most impressive headset to hit the consumer market since the advent of cell phones. In fact, it's probably close behind the Xbox for being the most impressive gaming headset, period. However, there are a few issues that prevent the Rift from being considered the greatest headset on the market at the moment. Some consumers, for instance, are finding that they need to buy a couple of accessories to get the full benefits of their headset - hence the high cost. In this article, we'll take a look at the top three advantages of the Rift and how you can maximize its potential for you.

First off, let me give a brief overview of the relationship between the Rift and the other two competing consoles - PlayStation Vr headset and Xbox Ones. The Rift uses the same controllers that were used in the original PlayStation game - including the movement sensitive triggers, the stick, and the shoulder buttons. The difference comes from the headset itself. Since the Rift has no external sensors to use, the makers of the game had to come up with a whole new interface to facilitate interaction with the players' headsets.

In this respect, the Rift isn't really much different from any other vr headset. All that changes, however, is the aesthetic. Instead of having a cord attached to your back, the Rift utilizes a USB connector, meaning that you can easily plug it in and move around your computer (or play the game) wirelessly. With its wireless nature, the Rift allows you to easily move around the room while playing a video game. This makes the Rift a truly enjoyable peripheral for any serious video gamer.

So how does the Rift compare to the other two competing headsets? In general, both the PlayStation Vr headset and the Xbox Ones feature a similar aesthetic. They also both have the ability to connect wirelessly to your computer. The main difference lies in the amount of freedom you have when interacting with the environment. Both are fairly comprehensive, but the Rift gives you more freedom to move around your surroundings while questing.

When you compare the Rift to the other two competitors, one thing becomes clear: the amount of freedom given to Rift players is much greater than that of the competition. Not only is there a lot more freedom, but you are able to interact with your environment in ways that you simply can't do on other systems. In the previous console generations, console gamers were locked into using controller-based systems. This meant that they could not simply move their hands to do everything. They had to stand still and follow the on-screen prompts.

Developers are well aware of this problem, which is why they have taken steps to create games that work great with both controllers and vr headsets. One such game, called Lucky's War, lets you use both a keyboard and a mouse to play. While playing, you move your hands through the environment using the keyboard, and view the game through the eyes of your character using the Rift camera. You can swing your arms, flip your palms, and use other physical motions to maneuver the camera in search of enemy targets and other items. With the vr headset, you simply look up and see the game world from a first-person perspective.

Developers that are currently working on future versions of their games will likely add input devices in addition to the standard controllers. This means that there will be a significant change in the way that you play once you start using vr headsets. Developers are already making an effort to improve the interaction process. The improved interaction will allow for all sorts of new possibilities for games, and perhaps most importantly, it could make it easier for everyone to have an enjoyable virtual experience.

Developers that are creating applications for HTC Evo, LG, and other smart phones may want to consider integrating Rift support into future versions of their applications. In this way, users will be able to enjoy their VR experience no matter whether they are on a PC or on their smartphone. If you own a Rift, HTC Vive, or any of the other major headsets, you will have no difficulty adapting your experience if you use these devices. There will be many situations where you will find you want to switch back to your regular monitor, but for the most part, you will not have to do so in order to have an enjoyable experience with vr headsets. Keep in mind that there are many more advancements and features that are yet to be seen with these headsets, but the potential is certainly exciting.